About Us
Bright College of Education, Kitlana Distt. Bhiwani (Haryana)
is a newly
co-ed established
organization .It is situated in rural area on Charkhi Dadri to Bhiwani
Road ; to prepare good teacher for coming generation. The
Society & The College Governing body itself have some very good
talented and eminent educationist , who want to do some social
service in their respective field.
Our mission is to prepare good and dedicated missionary teachers . Because a good teacher rich in cultured notions and knowledge can make a nation great and
strong, can serve the Society
Our message to all pupil teachers is to be good teachers. In real sense , a good teacher is the nation builder and he is the greatest wealth of the
nation, as the wealth of any nation is in School and College and not
in Bank or Lockers.
Contact Us :
Mob. 9896340500,
Address :
Bright College of
Village Kitlana, Main Charkhi Dadri to Bhiwani Road
Distt. Bhiwani ( Haryana)
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